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Sonny's Boogie Woogie Boys

Carl Sonny Leyland – piano, vocals
Marc Caparone – trumpet
Sam Rocha – bass
Clint Bake – saxophone
Josh Collazo – drums
Friday: 2:45–3:45 Memorial
Saturday: 12:15–1:15 Lions; 6:30–7:30 Lions;
9:00–10:00 Lions with Gino & the Lone Gunmen
Carl Sonny Leyland has been called the missing link between Jelly Roll Morton, Fats Domino, and Jerry Lee Lewis. Something like "the Country Boy piano man playing in between the cracks" that the Coasters sang about in 1959, "that is, "Rock 'n' Roll." Sonny has assembled a first-class all-star band that adds a crazy mix of boogie and sass that oozes out all over the dance floor. Don't miss 'em!
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